Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Final Questionnaire

1. Are you glad you took this class and please explain why you are glad and not because I am a wonderful person? No sucking up!

I am sincerely very happy that I took this class. Most importantly I can use all that I have learned in my major and in life experiences. Doc Chris not only makes learning fun he also makes it extremely informative. Teachers that can teach and have their students learn through hands on are truly gifted. Doc Chris does this. I am being very realistic when I say these things. All that i have learned in Doc Chris class I feel as if in reality it would take two semesters to learn. However, because of Doc Chris’s teaching skills and ability to teach hands on I have learned a lot this semester. I am very happy that I took this class. Many students around campus speak about Doc Chris as a teacher, mentor, leader and educator. He excels well in all of those categories. Everything I was told about his class and of him as a teacher is true.  At the end I was rewarded with more because of the way he teaches. I really enjoyed taking this class. And from the bottom of my heart I mean everything that i said. Doc Chris is not only a teacher he’s master in his skill. 

2. What did you learn that you did not know before coming into this class?
... What can you do that you could not do before taking this class?

Before coming to this class I knew very little about Multimedia.  One of the things I learned this year is three point lighting.  Three point lighting illustrates important lighting concepts that is very important. The main point is to get even distribution of light. Therefore three types of lighting is "key" to this process.
         - Key Lighting
        - Fill Lighting
           - Back Lighting

- Key light functions as the main source of illumination for ones scene.
- 45 degree angle from where the camera is a safe spot to set up the key light

- Also 45 degrees from the camera... and the key light.
- Less in tense than the key light

- Helps subject pop out
-Set up so the light is above the frame
- Low intesity
-Shine down on the subject to create a rim of light around the shoulders and head
I got this information from Youtube. 

I also learned how to use more social media websites such as google plus, Facebook, YouTube, and twitter. During this semester Doc Chris stressed that we had to present our work with different medias. I learned how to make better power points use them in a variety of ways. Like adding them to  Google plus, creating links so that others can view them online etc. 

3. Evaluate your group's performance, your own personal growth in this course and please give your opinion on the direction of this class.

Performance wise my group had some ups and downs. However, at the end we always came together. Joyce, Gina and I took the leadership roles to help motivate and drive our group. Personally I think I grew as a leader. As a group our outlines became more informative and flowed well together. We worked on numerous power point presentation which I think was one of our stronger points when presenting because everyone had a chance to participate.  

Working as a group thought me a lot of life lesson. I learned that this was just a taste of what it is like to work in a group. In the real world and possibly my work field some days what I practice and learn now is what I will have to reuse. The direction of the class went well this semester. We worked on a lot of team building and personal skills while learning. 

4. Finally, you must evaluate me. Be fair but be truthful. Have I been helpful, did I listen to concerns that you had, have I tried to work with you through individual and group situations? Do you like the way the class has been conducted? Do you understand the purpose of putting people on trial? Here is hint, it is not to embarrass you.

Doc Chris is extremely helpful and always there when you need he. He allows for his students to text and call him so there should not be any excuses if you do not understand something. Doc Chris also made promises and proved them at the end ALWAYS. Because he kept his promise he also expectes a lot from us as students to do our part. He took out concerns into consideration and tired to make whatever we were doing work for all. 

I truly liked the way class was conducted. The reason for this is because Doc Chris allowed for his students to learn in an informative atmosphere while also learning hands one. 

As time went on I learned that trials weren't created to embarrass but to teach us. Doc varied in every class. However, after each there was something that we learned. 

5. Now that you have experienced Edutainment and convergence as a teaching method that helps you learn, what do you think?

Doc Chris is one of the most amazing teachers I have yet to have. He not only teaches well but continues to motivate his students. Its nice to know that he cares for his students inside and out of class academically. He is there to make sure we stay on top of things and do our best. Most importantly he is there to educate and help advance or learning and studies.

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