Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mid Term Part 2

1. Are you glad you signed up for this class?

I am very happy I signed up for this class. Doc Chris teaches in a way that not only motivates his students but allows for one to have fun while learning. I personally think this is a great stratergy because it allows for a variety of learning types to grasp a good understanding of this course. This is clear because in my group we all learn differently and because of Doc Chris's teaching, interacting and motivation skills is work applies to us all.  Also I have had three hour classes in the past and to speak for myself and some of my classmates it is hard to pay attention to your teacher the entire time. However, with Doc Chris class seems to go by way faster and I am involved with what we are learning or doing in class. Doc Chris also teaches us how to work on one thing in a verity of ways. I really admire this because I am learning a lot more this way. I am very happy to be in this class. It is more than what I had expected and I appreciate every moment of it.

2. What did you learn that you did not know before coming into this class?
Before coming to this class I did not know much about any other website other than google search and facebook. Sad but true. After the first week of Doc Chris class he assigned for us all to have twitter, facebook, blogger and google plus accounts. With all these accounts he thought us how to connect and really take advantage of these sites and just being able to adjacent technologically. Also I learned about the idfferent types of liginting. Light is something we have in our everyday life and can sometimes take forgranted. I never knew that lighting had types. In class we learned about
- Key light functions as the main source of illumination for ones scene.
- 45 degree angle from where the camera is a safe spot to set up the key light
- Also 45 degrees from the camera... and the key light.
- Less in tense than the key light
- Helps subject pop out
-Set up so the light is above the frame
- Low intesity
-Shine down on the subject to create a rim of light around the shoulders and head
We still have more to learn and cannot wait for what is next.  

3. Evaluate your group's performance, your own personal growth in this course and please give your opinion of this class.
My group in the beginning had a very hard time  communicating. However as time went on we got better at this one aspect. As a group we figured out ways in which to divide the assignments and put them together while demonstrating flow and proper understanding. Joyce and I work well as leaders of the group and we reach out to our group members to help and motivate them.
4. Hows the structure of the class? The professor?
  The structure of the class is well put together and positive. Doc Chris really knows how to keep our attention in a three hour class. Every class session I leave learning numerous new things. At first using the bombarded amount of new social media was tough however, Doc Chris worked to help us understand and take advantage of all the technological discoveries that are available to us. As a professor Doc Chris is well rounded in this field and knows what he is doing. He is overall a great professor.

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