Thursday, September 29, 2011

Three Point Lighting Tutorial And Anylasis

Above is a very interesting, descriptive and educational video about three point lighting.
- Three point lighting illustrates important lighting concepts that is very important
- The main point is to get even distribution of light
- Therefore three types of lighting is "key" to this process. 
              - Key Lighting 
              - Fill Lighting 
              - Back Lighting 

- Key light functions as the main source of illumination for ones scene.
- 45 degree angle from where the camera is a safe spot to set up the key light

- Also 45 degrees from the camera... and the key light.
- Less in tense than the key light

- Helps subject pop out
-Set up so the light is above the frame
- Low intesity
-Shine down on the subject to create a rim of light around the shoulders and head

The video demonstrates how important having proper lighting is.


Chapter 4 Summary The Extended First Field: Color

Chapter 4: The Extended First Field Color

Our observe color through the lens of our eye. It reflects the colors we see in our everyday life whether it’s in our home, our environment, in objects and people. 

Color is the property of light, not of objects or liquids. (pg. 53)
The eye receives light of wavelength,
It reflects off objects transmitting through fluids.
White light is a reading lamp or the sun that is divided by a prism.
It is a rainbow color of red and purple that is called a spectral colors of wavelength
Basic Physiological factors
The lens of the eye focuses light on the light-sensitive cells of the retina which is a combination of cones and rods.
Rod and Cone are movement to the light in different ways
Cones need More light to fire than rod
One group is sensitive to the short waves that makes up blues
Second group responds to a medium waves of green
Third to a long wave of the red end of the spectrum

Basically the colors are mixture of wavelengths and the groups are action of bright lights. The cones fire its own signal that results in a high resolution image of color.

The rods do not respond equally across the color spectrum and are, for all practical purposes, colorblind.
Jump to action I gets dark
cones give up lack of adequate light
You don’t see color in dim light but things around you
Rod gives low illumination to deliver a strong signal for the brain to process. You see cones of fuzzy images that fires separately

Before the brain can make us see color, or adapt our vision to a certain level of darkness, the cones and rods must send their signals to neurons, which process the signals and code them into simpler ones. See 4.1 Color Perception


When we look at colored objects, we can detect three basic color sensations:
The color itself—red, green, or blue; the color strength—whether a red is deep and undiluted or looks faded and washed out; and how light or dark it appears to us.
These three basic color sensations we call color attributions. (pg 55)

Color attribute: hue: the Hue is a rainbow of different colors around us.
The hue helps you clarify colors
Colors of the spectrum are pure hues (
Most colors we see are impure (washed out)

Whole color is based on only four hues: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue
See color plates 2 and 3 next to page 54


(Sight Sound Motion)

All colors are computer or television screen created with only three hue colors from RGB which are: RED, YELLOW, GREEN and BLUE 

The computer displays different single one of these color combinations you could recognize it and tell whether it was bluish, reddish, greenish, or yellowish, light or dark.
The Color Palette, See CP8 Color Models


(Sight Sound Motion)

Color attribute: Saturation, sometimes called chroma (a Greek name,) is a strength or purity of color. It is a highly saturated color looks rich; a color with low saturation looks wash out.
SEE COLOR PLATED 4, 5, and 6

(Sight Sound Motion)

(Sight Sound Motion)

Black and white, or monochrome, video or film shows only achromatic colors which are various steps of brightness. These are steps are created by grayscale steps. There are different variations of gray ranging between white and black.

You can see a shadow not as uniformly dark but in various degrees of transparency.
It’s a light area that displays more of a differentiated bright area into an overexposed white area.

The video camera and a monitor deliver several measuring grayscale.
work with nine or 12 brightness, or grayscale
television white (a little off white) and television black (not pitch black)
Good Video camera delivers more brightness steps with HDTV
Computer graphic have a pixel that ranges 256, starting with black
254 shade of gray and ending with white

COLOR MODELS: These are all array of hues and degrees of saturation and brightness.
 See color Plate 8

Color videos are encoded so it can be received and reproduced by black and white television.
Colors have enough brightness contrast that will present  a monochrome video screen in different shades of gray

Black and white video no longer exists only for industrial use and all movies produced in color
There are several reasons
Lightness and darkness elements gives picture its definition.
Black-and-white rendering produces a higher-resolution than a color one.
Monochrome scene has its very own aesthetic that is quite different from a colored one.
Additive color mixing by shining, or adding, colored lights on top each other.
Subtracting color mixing by mixing paints or combining color filters

The basic colors are: See Color Plate 10

(Sight Sound Motion)

The primaries of additive mixing are Red, Green, and Blue. These are your additive primaries, or RGB.

Additive mixing with colored light:
Mixing red slide in one slide projector,
Green slide in a second
Blue one in third and overlapping them
partially on the screen
See Color Plate 11
(Sight Sound Motion)

Additive mixing in video:
See color plate 12
(Sight Sound Motion)

Inside the CRT (cathode ray tube) of a standard television, receiver have three primary colors (Red, Green and Blue Light) that signals activate electron guns and each shoots beams of color dots inside the television screen,

See color plate 13

(Sight Sound Motion)
See color plate 14
(Sight Sound Motion)

Complementary colors: See color plate 3

Involves filtering out, or subtracting from white light all colors except the one it displays
See Color Plate 13


(Sight Sound Motion)
See  4.2 on page 61


- Our color perception are also influenced by the kind of light under which we experience them." (pg-62)

- "White Light"
-No light is ordinary pure or white
- For example,  midday we see sunlight that has an extemly blush tinge during sunrise or sunset
- Measured by Kelvin degrees (K)

- The way we pervice color is influenced by surrounding colors
 - Similar Colors 
Ex. Someone wearing blue on a set
- Contrast Colors
    - Contrast between foreground and background. 



All the pictures are from the Sight Sound Motion Applied Media Aesthetic by Herbert Zettl
And the video is from youtube.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


What did we learn today?
In class we presented chapter summaries. When listen to those chapter summaries we learned about: Applied Media Aesthetics, The First Aesthetic Field:Light,  and Structuring the First Aesthetic: Lighting

What do you think about the direction of the class? 
I think the direction of the class is going well. I like how Doc Chris has us working in a group to summarize and having the students speak about the summaries. For me as a student this helps me to get a better understand. Unlike in a lecture some may listen and others wont. However in this case we all learn from these chapter summaries more effectively I think.  

What would you like to do more of to improve the class?
Nothing for today.

How did your group work together today?
My group and I worked very well today. We did some final touches on our presentation and was very proud of out work.

How did you grow as an individual?
I grew as an individual because I have more knowledge about Applied Media Aesthetics that I can share with my peers. And as a member in my group I am working with others.

How did Dr. Chris perform today? Specifically, did he work to resolve any problems that you had as a group or individually, did he answer any questions that you had and did he get the information across to you?
As usual Doc Chris was very entertaining today. His personality honestly helps one pay attention and wanna listen to what he has to say. He also answered all questions we had today in class.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter 1 Sight Sound Motion Outline

Applied Media Aesthetics

“ Consciously without knowing, you make many aesthetic choices every day.” (pg. 3)
For example deciding what you are going to eat or how you are going to get it is  apart aesthetics thinking.
“Because of  vastly increased choices in digital audio and video manipulate, media aesthetics has become an indispensable tool for structuring content” (pg.3)
Does anyone know what applied media aesthetics is?
Applied Media Aesthetics: is of and abstract concept but a process in which we examine a number of media elements, such as lighting and sound, how they interact and our perceptual reactions to them. (pg. 4)

Applied Aesthetics and Art
Art is a form of expression of ones emotion
“Whatever medium you choose for your expressions and communication, art is a process that draws on life for its creation..” (pg.4)
Overall art is a form of aesthetic communication.

Art and Experience
Art and the experience for any artist is of importance.
In media communication a group of artist such as a video, film or production team.
Whit that when editing, recording or arranging visual elements on a computer screen “you are engaged in the creative act clarifying, intensifying, and interpreting some event for a particular audience.” (pg.4)  A clear example of art and experience.

Applied Aesthetics and Contextual Perception
“ We perceive out world not in term of absolutes but rather as changing contextual relationships.”
When we look at events we are constantly judging and comparing.
For exampling: Driving a car
One evaluates your the position of the car, surroundings, signals and direction.
A decision is made upon perception and comparing

Selective Seeing And Selective Perception
We notice what we want to see or are use to
“In habitual ways if seeing, we generally select information that agrees with how we ant to see the world.
Also know as selective seeing
“For example, if you are talking to a friend in a streetcar, you are probably not aware of most of the other sounds surrounding you unless they start interfering with your conversation or are especially penetrating such as a police siren or a crash” (pg.6)
Your selective of seeing shield you from seeing to many varieties of shades and colors so that you can keep your environment relatively stable. (pg.7)



 Part 2 of Chapter one

The Power of Context
Bottom-up Context: you have little control over it.
Top-down Context: it is based on the intentionality of your actions.
In the top-down context we have the Associative Context which consciously establishes and applies a code that dictates, at least to some extent, how you should feel about and interpret what you see. 
Example of a Associative context/top-down context:
Based on the context, your mind makes it so that even though both “A” letters really make it so its an “H” and an “A”. 
Aesthetic Context: 
Our perceptual processes are so immediate and forceful that we respond to certain stimuli in predictable ways even when we know that we are being perceptually manipulated. Great examples: Optical illusions 
The center circle in each drawing is actually the same size. 
-your behavior exerts considerable influence on how a specific message is received. 
Applied Media Aesthetics: Method
-is based on Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebooks where he describes the “Ten attributes of sight which all find expression in Painting” 
-Deductive Abstraction: it moves from photographic realism to the essential qualities of the event.
-Inductive Abstraction: Study the formal elements of painting, or of video and film, and then arrange those elements to express the essential quality of an event. 
Fundamental Image Elements
Five fundamental ad contextual image elements of video and film: Light and color, two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, time/motion, and sound. 
-presupposes a thorough knowledge of such production tools as cameras, lenses, lighting, audio, and so forth as well applied aesthetics, such as selective focus, the proper framing of a shot, the use of color, the selection of music, ad the sequencing of various parts of a scene. 


What did we learn today?
Today in class we learned about different lightnings such as key, fill and back light also video recording, and sound. 

What do you think about the direction of the class? 
I think the direction of the class is going the right way. After leaving each class session I learn something new that I can always make use of. Overall its such nice being more aware of lighting, sound and motion...etc. 

What would you like to do more of to improve the class?
I am a little confused on some assignment but now that we have a syllabus I think things will work out better.

How did your group work together today?
My group and I worked very well today. We also cannot wait to begin working on our first group project which is an outline of hour text book. Hopefully we all work equally.

How did you grow as an individual?
As an individual I think I continue to grow because I am very helpful and want for as a group for us all to excel.  

How did Dr. Chris perform today? Specifically, did he work to resolve any problems that you had as a group or individually, did he answer any questions that you had and did he get the information across to you?

Dr Chris as usual always makes class very enternating. When doing this I have more of a passion for learning. He keeps the class very intrested in what he has to teach. Keep up the great work

Also here's a video of Allen Iverson that we watched in class today. Enjoy the laugh! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Flintstones Winston Cigarettes Commercials" Three Part Description

In this video a cartoon by the name of Flintstones is used to promote a cigarette commercial. This commercial was filmed around the 60 or 70's where black and white television still existed and cigarettes were not controversial or looked down upon. The images used in this blog set the scene to be perfect. It seemed as if smoking cigarettes was the causal thing to do.  Also a couple of times close up shots were used to focus on the cigarettes. An interesting part of this commerical was when fred said:
Fred: "They sure work hard"
Barney: "Yea I hate to see them work so hard"
Fred: "Yea me too...Lets go around back where we can't see them"

 In the conversation listed above Fred and Barney are talking about how hard their wives are working while doing the chores.  And so they don't have to see them working both men decided to go to the back and relax.

Coversation continued....:
Barney: "G we are to do something Fred"
Fred: "How about we take a nap?"
Barney: "Lets take a Winston break."
Fred: "That's it!"

At this point both men are saying since they are relaxing they might was well take a winston break for its "the cool/relaxing thing to do." Then Fred goes on to promte the product.

Whenever someone is smoking a Winston cigarette the music choice changes to more upbeat.

In my opinion I do not think this commercial was moral. However, the Flintstones television show was first  geared towards adults. So therefore, in the producer argument it would not be inappropriate because children were not being targeted at this point. However, at the end it is unethical for cigarettes have horrible effects on ones body and health, and the producer manipulated a false impression for the viewers.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day

Welcome to my blog and my first post. Enjoy!

Question and Answer

1. What did I learn today in class? 

Today in class I learned and continued to work on teamwork. Teamwork came of importance when my group needed to make a gmail account ,connect with Dr. Chris on google+, and add him on various social websites. Some of us knew more than others but we made work and finished at the end. 

2. What did you learn by working with your group?

I learned a number of things today by working with my group. Most importantly I made a new friend and and got a change to work with three of my other friends in an academic environment. We worked as a team finished mini projects assigned in class today. 

3. How did you grow?
I grew because I learned how to work gmail a social network that is new to me. I also grew because I met more people. By meeting new people is expanding ones social circle

4. What is your evaluation of Dr. Chris?
 Doc. Chris is a very enthusiastic professor. It is clear that he is also well educated in his field of work. I am looking forward to this semester.

 Below I have posted some videos that my classmates and I took, they also relate to this blog. Enjoy!