Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Thanksgiving is an annual holiday celebrating the harvest. During this time families prepare meals that mostly include turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and much more!!! It is a time in which many families in the US and some in Canada cook and enjoy festive meals. In this blog I want to show you some pictures and videos from Thanksgiving day with my family. Since I am from Trinidad and Tobago where Thanksgiving is not celebrated, when I am in the US for this Holiday I rotate each year between my American family and my Trinidadian-American family that reside in Brooklyn New York. This year I went to Maratha's Vineyard with my American family and had a festive time.  For Thanksgiving dinner we made an 18 pound turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and homemade cranberry sauce (mhm soo yummy). For the desert portion of the meal we made homemade cranberry and apple crisp, pumpkin pie, apple pie and a great blueberry pie. To top it off my mom got vanilla ice-cream and whip-cream.  This is my 8th Thanksgiving celebrated here in the United States and I'm truly thankful to be around such a festive celebration and good food! Below is a video of my family giving a shout out the Doc Chris Multimedia class and sharing what they are thankful for. Also pictures.  Enjoy!

                        HAPPY THANKSGIVING 

 Kitchen mid way through preparing for Thanksgiving
 Turkey YUM
 My brother cutting the Turkey...getting ready to EAT
 Dinner table!!!
Dinner table before the festivities began!

                         GIVING THANKS


I am thankful for a lot of things in life. Most importantly I am thankful for the moms in my life. I have three women that have been mother figures to me in life. My birth mom in Trinidad named Lesile-Ann Prince, my American mom named Carlene Gatting and my aunt that lives here in the U.S Kathleen Prince. Each of these women have thought me valid life lesson and pushed me to reach furthest. I am thankful for all three of them.


Birth mom, Lesile-Ann Prince    

American Mom, Carlene Gatting

My Aunt, Kathleen Prince

I am also thankful for being able to move to US and chase my dream and experience in order to have a successful career. Being able to attend boarding has been an opportunity of a life time and I am very happy for that. Boarding school helped ground my independence and helped me grow as individual. Culturally moving to the United States and automatically attending boarding school was tough. However, as time went on it quickly became the best aspect of my life. I'm a truly blessed for those that believed in me.

I am also the oldest of three brothers. My brothers mean the world to me and hold a very special place in my heart. I am thankful for having them in my life. There are no words to express the love I have for these boys. I see them having a successful future and every time I get to go back home to Trinidad and I see them I smile and how handsome and well rounded they are developing. 

All together I am thankful for life, family, and god.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hangout Reflection!

Since a couple of us went to Mt. Washington's class location Doc Chris allowed for us to have class at home via Google + hangout. As I said in my last class Doc Chris continues to help us learn and experience different situation in a variety of ways. This google + hangout was one way. It was also a special treat for those of us that went to class that day.

I find it amazing that we can have class this way. Technology is constantly on the rise. In Doc Chris's class I have learned so much about social media and different ways of learning. It amaze me each class. Below are some pictures from the Hangout.

In class today we discussed how the next couple of weeks are going to go down. We are going to be dealing with internships, a book, and our FINAL EXAM! After today's class there is nothing I think we need to work on. I am excited to go to Panera Bread for class next week Thursday! Thanks to Doc Chris in advance.

Reflection November 3rd

                                          CHARM CITY CUPCAKES

Today Doc Chris had class off campus in Mt. Washington Maryland. This was such a great there. Sadly not everyone showed up but those of us that did were in for some great treats. Our first stop was at Charm City Cupcakes. These were my first time having them and they were AMAZING. Doc Chris was also generous to buy for all that wanted some.

 Doc Chris making sure everyone gets a cupcake!!!

I just received my cupcake and had to take a picture with Doc Chris. Thanks Doc.

Next we sat in front of and Mt. Washington's Wine Co and did Trials, recorded videos of Doc Chris and discussed about class and what we did that day. Doc Chris also talked about our final, internship opportunity and book. He gave us the layout for the next couple weeks. I can't wait!
Here are some more pictures that I took. I just liked the colors and shapes. 

I used this image because I fell in love with the variety of shapes used to create such a beautiful art work.

Here are my classmates working together and learning out of a classroom environment. Doc Chris believes in teaching in a variety of ways. Another reason as to why I enjoy this class. 

Overall Today was a great class. I think we need to improve on better communication with as classmates and things will be that much more amazing. 

Doc Chris as usual continues to excel as a professor every single class. 

Reflection October 27th

Today's was one of my FAVORITES. This is hard for me to say since I sincerely really enjoy every class I have been to so far. In spirits of Halloween Doc Chris had a thriller theme class today. However, we could wear whatever costume we wanted. I wore and Indian hat. Some of my favorites were Phill as the cook and las muejas as Mexican women with straw hats I also really enjoyed Doc Chris judge costume.

Below is a picture of one of my classmates Joyce dressed as Aubrey Hepburn 
 Today in class we presented and learned about narration, inner orientation of sound, the importance of sound etc. Click on this click and look at our chapter 15 PowerPoint that explains as has examples

 Since today was our last day of presentations Doc Chris was nice enough to bring food to class today. He brought bagels with a variety of cream cheese flavors. I LOVED IT!. My other classmates also contributed and brought lots of other yummy goods.

 As I mentioned before along with this being class and a day for presentations we also had a thriller them party. With this thriller themed party Doc Chris had us to a Soul Train Line. 

Watch the video below 

I really enjoy this class and how Doc Chris teaches. I have learned while having fun. Doc Chris comes to class everyday motivated and ready to teach. With his positive attitude we are enthusiastic to learn. I enjoy this class. It is my favorite this semester.

Reflection October 20th

Class was very productive today. This was one of our big presentation days where we had to dress up and give extremely good presentations. Though our group had a variety of technical difficulties we adapted and were still able to present out power points. We presented on a variety of media elements such as duration, sound, and lighting. As mentioned before we had technical difficulties however, Dr. Chris motivated us and showed us many alternative ways to present. For example some of our videos did not work when clicking them from the power point so we posted them on our facebook page and clicked from there. I enjoyed class today and cannot wait for our Thriller party next week.

Video of part of our presentation below