Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Extra Credit

Would you take this class again with Dr. Chris? Would you take another class with Dr. Chris? Would you recommend a friend take this course or another course with Dr. Chris?
Yes I would take this class again with Doc Chris. I also plan on taking his other class before I graduate. He has a waiting list of like almost 40 people trying to override one of his classes at the moment. So its definitely a popular class but I will take it before I graduate. This is my first class with Doc Chris and ever since week one I have been promoting it all over campus and telling my friends they HAVE to take his class. So to answer the question yes I would recommended a friend to take this or another course with Doc Chris. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 1st Reflection

Today in class we caught up on our blogs and Doc Chris went around making sure everyone was on the right page. He also said that the minimum amount of blogs were twenty. He expects for everyone to have more than 20 blogs, showing that we have done our assignments this semester. Thankfully I have my blogs up and ready for review. Doc Chris will be happy. This is my first blog page and I am very happy that Doc Chris had his students make one. I am now motivated to blog out of class. 

Today in class Doc Chris also talked about our final and what he wants the final product to contain. The final has to have five pictures, five videos, and three sounds, there is also a questionnaire and extra credit section.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Final: Sight, Sound and Motion #3


This is the motion portion of my final. Here I am going to share five videos with you describing them in detail. 

This video is one of my favorites demonstrations of motion. I took this video during one of my cab rides through Baltimore City. I like this video because I am in the cab capturing the motion with the buildings , streetlights, signs etc... in the background. I also noticed that most of the buildings are red.
Video 2
I chose this video for the motion portion of my final because I found the idea behind it very fun. I took this video while on the Marc train one early morning from North Carolina. It was about 6:40 AM and the sun had just started to rise. In this video if you look closely and out the window you can see the sky going from dark to brighter.

Video 3
The third video is at my aunt's birthday party. Here my cousin Lakeiya and I are singing one of MJ sounds and CJ my other cousin is the dancer. We had a lot of fun doing this. In the video there is also sound from the people in the background laughing and singing along. The movement from us dancing and having fun in this video is an example of motion. 

Video 4 
This is a good video for the motion part. Here some of my family members are in our hotel at Disney Playing the Wii. The Wii has a variety of games and one of them is dancing. Its great because you get to learn new dance moves while being active and playing video games.  There is motion when my family members are dancing and having a good time. 

Video 5
I like this video because one of my friends is challenged to hold 6 dice on a Popsicle stick, for at least 3 seconds. There is motion in this video through the movements of the people. Also Bryan trying to get all of the dice onto one stick shows motion. There's also motion at the end when everyone jumps of excitement

Final Questionnaire

1. Are you glad you took this class and please explain why you are glad and not because I am a wonderful person? No sucking up!

I am sincerely very happy that I took this class. Most importantly I can use all that I have learned in my major and in life experiences. Doc Chris not only makes learning fun he also makes it extremely informative. Teachers that can teach and have their students learn through hands on are truly gifted. Doc Chris does this. I am being very realistic when I say these things. All that i have learned in Doc Chris class I feel as if in reality it would take two semesters to learn. However, because of Doc Chris’s teaching skills and ability to teach hands on I have learned a lot this semester. I am very happy that I took this class. Many students around campus speak about Doc Chris as a teacher, mentor, leader and educator. He excels well in all of those categories. Everything I was told about his class and of him as a teacher is true.  At the end I was rewarded with more because of the way he teaches. I really enjoyed taking this class. And from the bottom of my heart I mean everything that i said. Doc Chris is not only a teacher he’s master in his skill. 

2. What did you learn that you did not know before coming into this class?
... What can you do that you could not do before taking this class?

Before coming to this class I knew very little about Multimedia.  One of the things I learned this year is three point lighting.  Three point lighting illustrates important lighting concepts that is very important. The main point is to get even distribution of light. Therefore three types of lighting is "key" to this process.
         - Key Lighting
        - Fill Lighting
           - Back Lighting

- Key light functions as the main source of illumination for ones scene.
- 45 degree angle from where the camera is a safe spot to set up the key light

- Also 45 degrees from the camera... and the key light.
- Less in tense than the key light

- Helps subject pop out
-Set up so the light is above the frame
- Low intesity
-Shine down on the subject to create a rim of light around the shoulders and head
I got this information from Youtube. 

I also learned how to use more social media websites such as google plus, Facebook, YouTube, and twitter. During this semester Doc Chris stressed that we had to present our work with different medias. I learned how to make better power points use them in a variety of ways. Like adding them to  Google plus, creating links so that others can view them online etc. 

3. Evaluate your group's performance, your own personal growth in this course and please give your opinion on the direction of this class.

Performance wise my group had some ups and downs. However, at the end we always came together. Joyce, Gina and I took the leadership roles to help motivate and drive our group. Personally I think I grew as a leader. As a group our outlines became more informative and flowed well together. We worked on numerous power point presentation which I think was one of our stronger points when presenting because everyone had a chance to participate.  

Working as a group thought me a lot of life lesson. I learned that this was just a taste of what it is like to work in a group. In the real world and possibly my work field some days what I practice and learn now is what I will have to reuse. The direction of the class went well this semester. We worked on a lot of team building and personal skills while learning. 

4. Finally, you must evaluate me. Be fair but be truthful. Have I been helpful, did I listen to concerns that you had, have I tried to work with you through individual and group situations? Do you like the way the class has been conducted? Do you understand the purpose of putting people on trial? Here is hint, it is not to embarrass you.

Doc Chris is extremely helpful and always there when you need he. He allows for his students to text and call him so there should not be any excuses if you do not understand something. Doc Chris also made promises and proved them at the end ALWAYS. Because he kept his promise he also expectes a lot from us as students to do our part. He took out concerns into consideration and tired to make whatever we were doing work for all. 

I truly liked the way class was conducted. The reason for this is because Doc Chris allowed for his students to learn in an informative atmosphere while also learning hands one. 

As time went on I learned that trials weren't created to embarrass but to teach us. Doc varied in every class. However, after each there was something that we learned. 

5. Now that you have experienced Edutainment and convergence as a teaching method that helps you learn, what do you think?

Doc Chris is one of the most amazing teachers I have yet to have. He not only teaches well but continues to motivate his students. Its nice to know that he cares for his students inside and out of class academically. He is there to make sure we stay on top of things and do our best. Most importantly he is there to educate and help advance or learning and studies.

Final: Sight, Sound and Motion #2


As mentioned before I am going to use a variety of sights, sounds, and motions for my final. Here is the sound part of my final. 

I choose this video because Doc Chris not only demonstrates sound but sight and motion as well. In this video Doc Chris is dancing in class. This is one Doc Chris teaching strengths because he uses different techniques to teach. He could simply write notes on the board; however, here he is demonstrating sight, sound and motion by dancing. The sound in the background is the music playing and the voices laughing, speaking and cheering Doc Chris on. 

I chose this video because it demonstrates the sound portion of this final well. In this video I am at a Jay-Z and Kayne West concert in Greensboro North Carolina. Sound wise you can here Jay-Z rapping in the background with the amazing beat his sound has. Also the lighting in this video is very interesting. It has different shades ad colors of lights.


This video was taken at my aunts 47th birthday party. At her birthday party we had a karaoke machine where all that wanted to got to share some talent and have a good laugh. Here are some of my family and friends singing to Beyonce's song Put A Ring On It. There is a lot of movement and colorful clothing in this video.

Final Sight, Sounds and Motions.


In this final I want to share a mixture of sight, sounds and motions. I decided to mix things up a little and use class and outside of class videos. First lets begin with pictures that completes the sight part of this final.

 In order to really notice what this picture is of one has to look closely. This picture was taken at Disney World this summer. We visited numerous parks and this one was taken specifically in Disney's Safari. The colors range from a variety of greens. The sun and shade add to the color variation. As you can see on the far right some leafs are light green because of the reflection of the sun. Others are more of a darker green because they are in the shade. There is also a variety of textures and shapes of the leafs. Some leafs are pointy or round. Overall if you look closely this is a women on stilts with leaf designs leaning against the tree. Her face is also painted in a dark shade of green to help add to the camouflage
 This second image is of my church. I a attend Seventh Days Adventist church. This weekend my family came from Trinidad to celebrate with my trini-american family for my aunts 47th birthday party. The day before the party we all went to church. The church is very beautiful. I love the bright colors and pretty lights. Anyone is welcome to visit Emmaus Seventh Day Adventist Church!
 This picture was taken during Halloween. With me in the middle as an army girl and two other girls on each side dressed up as Sun Drop sodas. Currently in the sun drop commercial there are people dancing to the song Drop It Like It's Hot By Snoop Dogg. That is where they got their costume idea from. The main reason as to why I choose this image is because of the color variation. If you notice in this image there are all types of green shades. In the background there are buildings with a variety of lights.

This picture was taken this weekend at my aunts birthday party. The theme of my aunts 47th birthday party  was the 70's. Here we have some of our family friends that are siblings performing one of Jackson five's hit songs. They called themselves the Jones 4. The party had karaoke machine. This was very fun and creative. The colors that they use are black and white. They dressed similarly for this performance.

This picture was also taken at my aunt's birthday party. My cousin Onika and I thought it would be funny to wear Afros Very 70's right? Here I am wearing a white dress and my cousin Onika really got into the spirit of the party and is wearing a sparkly purple dress. The balloons in the background matches her color scheme.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

    So I have been inspired and I wanted to share it on my blog. Study abroad applications are due today at Loyola Maryland University and since freshmen year I have wanted to travel Europe. However, as I grew and developed as a person I realized I wanted to go abroad to Spain or France for all the wrong reason. I had heard about the fashion, parties, beauty of both countries and could not wait to apply.   

     Today I have changed my mind on where I want to go. I want to travel in South East Asia. The reason as to why changed my mind is for a variety of reason. One day I went to watch the news at CNN.com and watched videos. One of the videos I watched touched me. The video spoke about child sex slavery and how Asia practices this horrible trafficking the most. I then went on to do research and found out things about Thailand mainly that I loved and things that I wanted to help mentor and give back to the people.

      After evaluating my decision to go abroad to Thailand below are the reasons why.

       For many, going abroad may be an overwhelming experience however, for me this is the life that I am most familiar with. I was born and raised in Trinidad, however for the past eight years of my life I have been in boarding school in the United States. As an immigrant, I am used to being sent to a foreign county, assimilating into a new culture, and being far away from home for months on end. By studying abroad in Thailand, I will be doing all of the above as well as furthering my knowledge and understanding of other countries. My ultimate goal is to work for the United Nations, and learning about other cultures and lifestyle will only help me work towards that goal. Based upon my ability to integrate into foreign countries easily, I feel as though I will be a great addition to the Bangkok, Thailand Program.
    I have always wanted to submerge myself into a culture that is far different from anything I have ever known. The Bangkok, Thailand program will allow me to experience Thai culture, learn the language, and travel throughout Southeast Asia, all things that I have always dreamed of doing. After this experience I hope to bring back to Loyola’s campus experiences, stories, and an attitude that will only enhance the sense of community found at Loyola. By taking part in the study abroad program I will take what I have learned and use it academically, culturally, and most importantly, for my future.

Both pictures from google