Thursday, December 1, 2011

    So I have been inspired and I wanted to share it on my blog. Study abroad applications are due today at Loyola Maryland University and since freshmen year I have wanted to travel Europe. However, as I grew and developed as a person I realized I wanted to go abroad to Spain or France for all the wrong reason. I had heard about the fashion, parties, beauty of both countries and could not wait to apply.   

     Today I have changed my mind on where I want to go. I want to travel in South East Asia. The reason as to why changed my mind is for a variety of reason. One day I went to watch the news at and watched videos. One of the videos I watched touched me. The video spoke about child sex slavery and how Asia practices this horrible trafficking the most. I then went on to do research and found out things about Thailand mainly that I loved and things that I wanted to help mentor and give back to the people.

      After evaluating my decision to go abroad to Thailand below are the reasons why.

       For many, going abroad may be an overwhelming experience however, for me this is the life that I am most familiar with. I was born and raised in Trinidad, however for the past eight years of my life I have been in boarding school in the United States. As an immigrant, I am used to being sent to a foreign county, assimilating into a new culture, and being far away from home for months on end. By studying abroad in Thailand, I will be doing all of the above as well as furthering my knowledge and understanding of other countries. My ultimate goal is to work for the United Nations, and learning about other cultures and lifestyle will only help me work towards that goal. Based upon my ability to integrate into foreign countries easily, I feel as though I will be a great addition to the Bangkok, Thailand Program.
    I have always wanted to submerge myself into a culture that is far different from anything I have ever known. The Bangkok, Thailand program will allow me to experience Thai culture, learn the language, and travel throughout Southeast Asia, all things that I have always dreamed of doing. After this experience I hope to bring back to Loyola’s campus experiences, stories, and an attitude that will only enhance the sense of community found at Loyola. By taking part in the study abroad program I will take what I have learned and use it academically, culturally, and most importantly, for my future.

Both pictures from google

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